Terms & Conditions
These General Terms of Business govern the sale and purchase of the book entitled ”A Practical Guide to English for Law” and five other PDF ebooks. If you wish to buy any product at www.legalenglish.store webshop as Customer, please carefully read these General Terms and Conditions.
By using this webshop, you confirm to have read and accepted these General Terms of Business and agree to be bound by these terms. The General Terms of Business accepted by You shall be entered into electronically and stored electronically in this system.
Applicable law
Contracting Parties
Subject matter, territorial and temporal scope
Acceptance of these General Terms of Business by the Customer
Using the webstore
Commencement of the contract
Rights and obligations of the Customer
Data protection and privacy policy
Closing provisions
1. Applicable law
These General Terms of Business cover the contractual relationship established by the Service Provider and the Customer Issues not regulated herein shall be governed by applicable Hungarian laws and regulations in force from time to time, in particular:
Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services,
Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information,
Act V of 2013 on the Hungarian Civil Code,
Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II.26) on the detailed rules governing contracts between consumers and companies
2. Contracting Parties
These General Terms of Business shall be entered into by the following parties for an indefinite period:
Service Provider:
Company name: TRANSLADATA Limited Partnership
Abbreviated company name: TranslaData Bt.
Seat: 1117 Budapest, Hamzsabégi út 12.
Represented by: Szabó László Managing Director
Co. reg. number: 06-06-013203/5
Registered at: Metropolitan Court of Justice
Licensing Authority: Budapest Metropolitan Municipality District 11
License number: ERK17/37375 (2017)
Official data management registration no.: 126726/2017.
Contract language: English
Tax Number: 21384772-2-43
EU VAT number: 21384772-2-43
Bank: Magnet Bank.
Bank account number: 16200151-18536663
Credit card payment provider: 2checkout.com
Phone: +36-20-345-8702
E-mail: ifj.szabo.laszlo@gmail.com
Website: www.legalenglish.store
Contact person: Szabó László
hereinafter referred to as: Service Provider
3. Purpose of these General Terms of Business
The purpose of these General Terms of Business is to set forth
the conditions of using the services of the webstore
the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, and
other material terms and conditions relating the webstore.
4. Subject matter, territorial and temporal scope
a) Subject matter scope
These General Terms of Business shall cover
the conditions of using the services of the webstore
the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, and
other material terms and conditions relating the webstore.
b) Territorial scope
Under these General Terms of Business, the webstore service is available all across the world.
c) Term
These General Terms of Business and any amendment thereof shall take effect as from their posting on the website, and shall continue in force and effect until such time when the Service Provider withdraws the same or when these General Terms of Business are amended by the Service Provider. These General Terms of Business shall remain in full force until the webstore is in operation.
5. Acceptance of these General Terms of Business by the Customer
The webstore may be used on condition that the Customer first accepts these General Terms of Business. These General Terms of Business shall be deemed to be accepted by the Customer using the service of the website, that is, when s/he makes his/her registration in the webstore, and confirms his/her acceptance thereof by clicking on the appropriate box. If the Service Provider has amended or modified these General Terms of Business after the last check-in by the Customer, the Service Provider will inform the Customer on his/her access to the website, and for this reason, before the next purchase is made, the Customer shall again confirm acceptance of these General Terms of Business. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend or modify these General Terms of Business in part or in full at any time.
6. Using the webstore services
The Service Provider shall provide the webstore services to the Customer under the following terms:
Registration Data:
Valid email address
User name
Name of Customer
Delivery address of the Customer
Name to be entered on the invoice
Phone number:
Further data to be given for delivery:
Manner of delivery
Manner of payment
Using the services
The books on sale may be bought electronically, via the Webstore only, which is accessible at www.legalenglish.store.
The price of the book includes VAT, and excludes the fee of delivery.
If the price of the book is displayed erroneously despite all efforts, in particular in the case of manifest typos, prices materially deviating on account of VAT or due to system error, the Service Provider shall not be under the obligation to deliver the product at the erroneous price. In this case, the Service Provider shall inform the Customer and offers the book at the precise price for delivery. In case it is not accepted by the Customer, the Service Provider may cancel the contract.
The prices indicated shall not be deemed as direct offer of goods. The Service Provider shall not take responsibility for any damage and loss arising from typos.
The photos of the goods are for illustration purposes only, the actual appearance of the goods may differ slightly.
The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the usability of the product for the purposes intended by the Customer. The Customer must ascertain whether the product is suitable for his/her purposes.
The Service Provider reserves the right to reject confirmed orders in part or in full.
In case of packages not collected or returned, the costs of returning the goods shall be borne by the Customer. No package returned without payment of the delivery fee shall be accepted and received by the Service Provider.
7. Entry into the Contract
Pursuant to applicable statutory provisions, there is entered a written contract as between the Service Provider and the Customer, which is to be stored in the electronic system of the Service Provider.
The contract shall be deemed to have been entered into by registration in the webstore, and by acceptance of these General Terms of Business. Purchases at the webstore are conditional on registration in the webstore. The purchase order shall be deemed to have been made by the Customer approving the purchase order in its final form, sending the same to the Service Provider online, and by his/her acceptance of the registration data received from the Service Provider in an email message by way of his/her registered email address.
The Customer shall have the opportunity to place his/her order and buy the book after entering his/her data during registration, and by acceptance of these General Terms of Business and the Data Privacy Policy.
It is assumed that the Customer is aware of and accepts the possibilities and limitations of the Internet for the purposes of purchases in the webstore, the technical capabilities and the errors that might emerge.
Placing a purchase order and making the purchase
The Customer may place and order and make purchases in the webstore only after registration, by entering his/her user name and password. Products placed in the basket without registration will be placed in the personal basket of the Customer once the Customer checks in. The purchase order shall be placed by clicking on the appropriate button. The purchase order shall be deemed to have been placed after the receipt of a confirmation email on acceptance of the purchase order by the Customer in his/her email account.
Taxation and VAT
The Customer shall provide his/her EU VAT number, in this case the sale will be exempt from VAT. If the Customer has not EU VAT number, VAT will be charged on the sale at the rate in place in Hungary (5%), as follows:
Customer resident in Hungary - VAT is charged at 5%.
EU-resident Customer with EU VAT number
- no VAT is charged
EU-resident Customer with no EU VAT number - VAT is charged at 5%.
Amendment and cancellation of purchase orders
Pursuant to Act CVII of 2001, the webshop software will send a notification to the Customer about the fact of the receipt of the purchase order without any delays, right after the order is placed. If the Customer does not receive the confirmation email within 48 hours, the Customer is no longer under an obligation to buy the product. Until such time when the Service Provider commences fulfilment of the purchase order, the Customer shall have the opportunity to amend his/her order, if such Customer notes in the confirmation email that some products were ordered in error, or s/he place an order for a wrong product. In this case, the Customer shall forthwith notify the Service Provider about the error in response to the confirmation email, and the Service Provider shall will allow the Customer to withdraw his/her purchase order, until such time when the procedure for the delivery has commenced. Such notification may be sent in response to the confirmation email or to the contact@englishforlaw.info email or by calling +36-20-345-8702. From this point onwards, the provisions of the Government Decree shall apply http://njt.hu/cgi_bin/njt_doc.cgi?docid=167547.331735
The Customer shall pay the price of the product:
- by bank transfer (on placing his/her order)
- by credit card payment,
- by PayPal.
The Courier service shall provide a certificate of receipt of the cash. The Service Provider provides no partial delivery, the courier shall not accept partial payment. The Customer shall have the right to collect all items s/he has ordered or may reject collection of all items. In the event when the Customer rejects acceptance of the products ordered by him/her, the Service Provider shall have the right to cancel the registration of the Customer, and to invalidate his/her ordered s/he may have placed in the meantime, at its sole discretion.
The product isexpected to be delivered within 2-4 business days, if the product is available at the warehouse. The packages are delivered by a Courier Service.
Delivery information: The Customer accepts that the product sale covers also mediated services (i.e. delivery cost), which will be charged on the invoice. The mediated services are sold by the service Provider in an unchanged form (however not necessarily at an unchanged price) and invoices the same to the Customer.
The Customer shall check the package delivered to him/her item by item at the time of its delivery and shall sign the delivery confirmation slip in case of perfect delivery. Thereafter, no complaints relating to faults, errors or deficiencies are accepted. The Courier Service will attempt delivery of the package on two occasions. Thereafter, the Service Provider shall notify the Customer of the unsuccessful delivery.
The package will be delivered between 9 a.m. and 5. p.m. and for this reason, please request delivery to an address where the courier can meet you and hand over the package within this period. You may also request delivery of the package to a workplace address.
Delivery: in 5-10 days.
8. Rights and obligations on the part of the Customer
Right of cancellation
The Customer shall have the right to cancel the purchase within 14 days from the receipt of the package containing the product, without having to justify his/her action, in accordance with Article 4 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II.26.). In case of cancellation of the purchase, the Customer shall return the product to the Service Provider in a perfect, flawless and unused condition, without any defect or deficiency in the product, at his/her own costs, appending the name and the address of the Service Provider (TranslaData Bt. H-1117 Budapest, Hamzsabégi út 12. 2/3). The Service Provider will return the purchase price to the Customer within 30 days from the cancellation of the purchase.
Costs arising from the exercise of the right of cancellation and in returning the product shall be borne by the Customer. No package without payment of the costs of mailing or returning made subject to payment by the Service Provides is possible. The Service Provider will claim compensation for damage arising from improper use of the product.
To avoid any controversy, the Service Provider will make a record with a camera on the opening of the package containing the product. The Service Provider will reimburse the full purchase price only if the product is in a perfect, flawless and unused condition, without any defect or deficiency in the product.
The period available for the cancellation of the purchase shall commence from the day when the Customer has received the package with the product.
The Customer may cancel his/her purchase without any obligation by contacting the Service Provider via the contact details provided until such time when the Service Provider has handed over the package to the Courier Service for delivery. The Customer will be notified of the delivery by way of an email message.
Issues not regulated herein shall be governed by the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code and the provisions of Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II.26). Costs arising from the returning of the product shall be borne by the Customer. No package without payment of the mailing costs or those sent to the Service Provider under payment on delivery terms will be accepted. If need be, we may inform the Courier Service on your request to send a package to use. The Customer shall pay the costs of delivery on posting the package to the Courier. If the purchase is cancelled, the product may be returned in its original package only. In returning the product, the original invoice shall be returned. Otherwise no return of product is accepted.
Title to the product
The delivered product shall remain in the ownership of the Service Provider until the purchase price is paid in full.
Damage on the part of the Service Provider
If the product is proven to be defective on its return, and such damage is occasioned by improper use of the product, pursuant to Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.), the Service Provider shall have the right to claim compensation from the Customer for the reduction in the value of the product.
The Service Provider provides a warranty in relation to the product ordered in accordance with Article 6:159 of the Hungarian Civil Code. In case of erroneous delivery, the Customer shall inform the Service Provider in writing within the shortest possible time about his/her complaint after s/he has noted the error. In case of erroneous delivery, the Service Provider will primarily replace the erroneous item as laid down in Article 6:159. If no replacement is possible, the Service Provider will grant a price discount or the Customer may withdraw from the purchase, at the discretion of the Customer and may seek refund of the sum paid for the product.
The delivery cost shall not be refunded. No cancellation of purchase is possible in case of minor error.
In case of erroneous delivery, the costs associated with the exercise of the warranty rights shall be borne by the Service Provider.
9. Data Protection and privacy policy
The Service Provider shall handle personal data provided during registration in accordance with Act CXII of 2011 on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services. Accordingly, personal data provided during registration shall be handled under an informed, voluntary and express consent of the Customer (grounds of data management).
The Service Provider shall use the data for purchase order management and fulfilment of services of the webshop, and under an express consent of the Customer, for the purposes of sending to the Customer newsletters in the framework of Service Provider’s own promotion, advertisement and electronic sales campaign purposes (data handling objectives).
The Service Provider shall not disclose or make accessible the personal data of the Customer to any third party, except the Courier service.
The Customer is aware that s/he has provided his/her data on a voluntary basis, and s/he has given his/her consent voluntarily and for an indefinite period of time, with the right to withdraw such consent at any time. On account of the fact that under the prevailing conditions, the overwhelming majority of data provision and transmisstion is performed worldwide without any encryption, the Service Provider shall not assume any warranty concerning the inaccessibility of data by any unauthorised persons in the course of sending data to the servers.
The Customer – by clicking on the registration button – will unconditionally and irrevocably represent that s/he has read, understood, accepted and agrees to be bound by the terms of the General Terms of Business and the Privacy Policy.
Amendment of personal data:
The Customer shall have the right to change or delete his/her personal data provided on the user interface of the webstore. Exception to this includes the following data:
Email-address and
login name.
Customers registered as partners may change their passwords.
The Customers may request deletion of their account by sending a letter to the ifj.szabo.laszlo@gmail.com address to this effect.
The system of the Service Provider may collect data regarding user activity in the webstore. These data may not be linked to other data provided by the Customers during registration or to any other data generated by accessing other wegsites or services.
The Service Provider shall have the right to send to the Customer newsletters or other promotional materials, provided that the user had preliminarily, expressly and voluntarily consented to receiving such materials. The Service Provider shall be under no obligation to check the authenticity, correctness or fullness of data provided by the Customer during registration.
The Customer shall have the right to withdraw the above voluntary consent of his/hers at any time. In this case, the Service Provider – following the withdrawal – will not send more newsletters and other promotional materials to the Customer, and will delete the Customer’s data from the list of newsletter recipients.
The Service Provider accepts and agrees to be bound by the Code of Ethics of the Hungarian Association of Advertisers (Magyar Reklámszövetség) and the Association of Hungarian Content Providers (Magyarországi Tartalomszolgáltatók Egyesülete).
Provisions relating to data protection and privacy of data are contained in a separate data privacy policy.
10. Closing provisions
Termination of the contract
The Customer may request termination of the contract at any time, which will be accepted and acknowledged by the Service Provider upon ascertaining itself of the identity of the Customer. In this case, the Service Provider will terminate the Customer’s access to the use of the Webshop, and will also delete the account of the Customer. The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract, if the Customer fails to comply with the terms of these General Terms of Business.
The Customer shall take full liability for all orders and transactions made by using his/her user name and password. In this context, the Customer shall take every effort to maintain the confidentiality of his/her password. The Customer will bear no liability in this context, if his/her user name and password have been disclosed to unauthorised third person(s) for reasons beyond his/her control.
The Service Provider shall not be liable for the following events or occurrences, arising from any reasons:
any data sent or received via the Internet,
any malfunction in the Internet hindering purchase in the webshop,
any malfunction in the receipt units during communication,
loss of any letter – hand copy or electronic – or loss of any data,
any malfunction of any software,
any error in programs, abnormal event or technical error,
the company shall not be liable for damages, on any grounds, associated with the access to the webshop, whether directly or indirectly,
the Customer shall take every precaution to prevent his/her data on his/her computer from being disclosed to any third party
the Customer shall be solely responsible for his/her access to, and his/her purchase via, the www.legalenglish.store webshop,
the Company and the www.legalenglish.store webshop shall not be liable for any damage arising from causes beyond its control.
The Company shall have the right to freely change any price of terms of business. The changes shall take effect from their posting on the www.legalenglish.store webshop. Any person not agreeing with these General Terms of Business shall discontinue using this website.
The Customer is expressly aware and accepts that all sentence and sentence patterns as well as all information in the Book are from authentic sources. For the purposes of this Book, authentic means sentences written by (i) English or American native (ii) expert in law (lawyer, judge, etc.). Accordingly, the Author of this Book assumes no liability whatever for the information presented in this book, as such information has been obtained via collection and systematic arrangement, then included in the Book. The content of the Book has been proofread by a U.S. lawyer AND linguist, lecturing on English for Law at a U.S. University, therefore the content is professionally and linguistically adequate, proper and without fault, may be used for studying and for reference purposes. Under no circumstances may the content of the book may be deemed or regarded as legal expert advice.
11. Contact
Please contact the staff of the Service Provider with any questions, comments or notes in relation to the book or to its purchase, by writing to ifj.szabo.laszlo@gmail.com or calling +36-20-345-8702, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on business days.
Please contact the customer care staff with any complaints you may have by writing to ifj.szabo.laszlo@gmail.com or calling +36-20-345-8702, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on business days.
In case of settlement of unresolved complaints about the webstore in a simple, fast and out-of-court manner, you may initiate a mediation procedure at the Budapest Board of Mediation (Budapesti Békéltető Testület). The contact details of the Board: H-1016 Budapest, Krisztina körút 99. III. emelet 310.; mailing address: Budapesti Békéltető Testület 1253 Budapest, Pf.:10.
Budapest, 18 March 2020.